Num_Files=4&filename1=Half-Life 2 CTF Beta 1.3&fileversion1=&fileurl1=N/A&filedesc1=Fill one of the noticeable gaps in Half-Life 2 multiplayer modes with a Capture The Flag option. It's not as simple as grabbing the flag and blasting your way home - you need to rely on your team to protect you if you want to make it back in one piece.&filepub1=Patrick Flanagan %26 Andrew Blevins&filepath1=Files/Mods/hl2ctf_beta13_full.exe&filetype1=HL2 Mod&filereadmepath1=&filename2=Yavin 4 Ver.1.0&fileversion2=&fileurl2= single-player mod for Jedi Academy that picks up eight years after the evil storyline left off. Jaden busts out of a prison cell and hunts down the Sith who betrayed and imprisoned him/her with improved Force powers.&filepub2=Darrow Linder&filepath2=Files/Mods/ JA Mod&filereadmepath2=&filename3=Eye of The Beholder Ver.2.1&fileversion3=&fileurl3= to four people can play this 30 hour remake of the Eye of The Beholder RPG from the early '90s. Evil lurks beneath the city of Waterdeep, and it would be churlish for a freshly minted adventurer to turn down the opportunity to root it out.&filepub3=Rick Francis&filepath3=Files/Mods/ Nights Mod&filereadmepath3=&filename4=Call of Duty: SWAT Ver.0.4&fileversion4=&fileurl4= mod breaks Half-Life's monopoly on the good guys vs. bad guys tactical squad shooter mod. Join a SWAT team or a criminal organization and jump into an urban shootout with variants like Team Arrest and Got Money?&filepub4=SWAT Mod Dev Team&filepath4=Files/Mods/Swat_v02_installer.exe&filetype4=Call of Duty Mod&filereadmepath4=&